M. Garrick Byrne

Untrained Actor | Mediocre Singer | Real Songwriter & DJ

Generally Artistic | Marketing Technology Nerd

IMDb Page   Corporate Resume   DJ Sets

"Kindness costs you nothing. Listening pays very well."

Do I Know You?

Because this site is for people who I know in real life. I suppose it's also fine for people that I would never want to know or will never need to know or care about. But whoever you are, I've decided that you're going to have to solve this little *fill in the blanks* game below to get in. It's not hard, but it should weed out a handful of undesireables.

Don't fret. If you really DO know me, from whatever era of my life, you'll most likely get in. You could Google your way in too I suppose. And you can always just call me if not. But if you only know me as the guy who cycles through two casual blazers and six Banana Republic dress shirts, or I helped you with some short-sighted software solutions, you'll have to settle for surfing over to the less personal mgbyrne.net web site. That gets you my online resume. Then maybe if we find something actionable to do together, and we hit it off as humans, I may not even realize when you know me well enough to get into this site. If that happens, it's probably a good thing.

Your Task

Complete the sentences below to view this content. Hint: Use all lowercase letters. Cuz this is definitely not important enough for me to even care to use PHP string functions. Or is that just red herring to make you think not to use proper nouns? I'm not saying. Although maybe I should start doing Mad Libs...

Driving to to crash the birthday reuinion for should have become an annual thing, although every 5 years might be better. Lisa's annual party became a great tradition. If you take the red to the Middle East, it's the square stop. Remember when changed their name to Axis? And when the Friendly Toast used to have liquor when it was in before they moved to downtown Portsmouth? When Steve and his lovely Unicorn bride had their LA reception, I can't believe they found the perfect house for it tucked away in the valley randomly in , of all places. I also can't believe my old boyfriend Derick and James Marsden from Westworld were both on the Mafia Podcast.